I love my parents very much! I'm very thankful that they brought me into this world. They sacrificed alot to put food on the table, clothes on my back n a roof over my head. PARENTS mean the world to me. They done alot for me, my brother and my sister. They gave us everyting we wanted gave us support when we needed it, but then i also thought about what i have gave them in return and to me I think that I haven't gave them so much. To our parents, if we get hurt it hurts them more then it should be hurting us. They give us so much of love. Do we give them that much love that they give us? Our parents do so much for us. What have we done for them? My parents have gaven me birth by the wish of Moses and Thresa and has brought me on this earth by Moses and Thresa Wish. They have showed me who is my parents- Moses and Thresa and Bapa and have taught me look upto them and have faith in them at all times. They have taught me how to make them happy and get what is right n what is wrong.
I am so lucky that i have got such parents that care for me so much that...I'm running out of words of expressing their love for me. As I'm getting older, thmuch! My parents love me lot and they are the best ey help me with my work and....I'm truly indebted to them.
....I love my mom and dad very of all until my last breath....
We should be proud of our mother and father because they have done so much for us like taking us on holidays, taking us to mandir or bal mandal keeping us happy and most of all giving birth to us otherwise how would we be alive? That's the main thing. We should never have 'maya' for anyting except to have parents. We are very lucky to have parents, we should never criticize anyone that they do not have parents because what if we make up the next morning and have no parents would we like to be called names? They have shown us the right path to go on not the wrong one. So we should be thankful to god because he has given us parents.
Anyway, the summary is parents mean everyting to me even though sometimes they don't agree with us that's ok. They gave us BIRTH and everyting that we need like food, clothes, place to live, pocket money and they love us so much that they would do anyting for us. We should respect them not talk back even though some of us do. Parents should be the whole world to us.