As is with any festival, Christmas too has many traditions and customs which are being carried forward by families the world over. These traditions and customs may be as varied as the diversity in cultures. Some, though are common to everyone celebrating Christmas in any part of the world. One of the most popular traditions on Christmas is exchanging gifts on Christmas eve or Christmas morning. Everyone loves receiving gifts on Christmas. Children, with their innocence wait eagerly for Santa Claus to bring them gifts. In many countries children hang stockings believing that it will be filled with goodies by Santa Claus. But, as adults we understand the significance of giving more than receiving and plan way ahead to get something thoughtful for our near and dear ones. Christmas tree is one of the symbols most easily associated with the festival of Christmas. The Christmas tree takes the pride of place in every living room of every home from Christmas and right upto New Year. Decorating a Christmas tree spells family time as it brings the whole family together right before and at Christmas time. Usually decorations start way ahead of the eve of Christmas. People, irrespective of regions and cultures plan on beautifying their Christmas tree. One can get as creative or individualistic as they want to in the process of looking after and decorating their Christmas tree. Christmas Dinner is the primary meal eaten on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. Though the menu of this meal may differ across regions or cultures but some of the essential items which are Turkey, Christmas Pudding, Christmas Cake are present more or less in every menu. The whole charm of cooking and eating Christmas Dinner with family and people close to you is what makes it different from any meal.